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Serendipidity or Law of Attraction?

· 3 min read

Sometimes, things just happen. Just at the end of the work day, my colleagues were talking about this thing they called “Law of Attraction”. Not sure where they got it from. What they were referring to is that when one thing of a nature happens, it seems usual, even natural, to have another event of a similar nature occur as well.

Take for example, when we were taking the lift as we knock off work, we were teasing one guy among us about him leaving his motorbike keys in the office as he dug around his bag trying to look for it. It then happens that another lady (a stranger) who was also in the lift with us turned back after exiting the lift shortly, seemingly to return to her office to get something she had left behind. (One person searching for his keys lead to another person remembering something she left behind.)

Solving the Mystery Behind Alternating Failed Tests in QUnit

· 3 min read

I’ve recently started using QUnit for my JavaScript testing. It’s a unit testing framework for JavaScript. It’s quite an easy framework to learn and I strongly encourage everyone who is doing any decent JavaScript coding to use it or any one of the myriad frameworks out there.

One of the strange problems I faced with QUnit is a strange phenomenon where a custom written plugin fails the test on every alternate invocations of the test.

LinkedIn Password Leak

· 2 min read

You may or may not have heard. 6.5 million passwords were leaked from LinkedIn. Allegedly at least. It’s possible then that yours is one of them.

If you are using LinkedIn and you are concerned, as well you should be, you can find out if your password is compromised from this (appropriately named) website

Docking the Open Office Styles Panel

· One min read

One of the weirdest artifacts about Open Office has to be the Styles and Formatting panel. It’s a panel right? Like the one for tables that appear when your cursor is placed inside a table cell. So, it should like behave like them when you drag it to the edge of the window and dock to that edge right? Strangely enough it doesn’t. And don’t bother adjusting your mouse because you thought “I must have not dragged the panel correctly.”

CSS Best Practices

· 7 min read

As mentioned before in earlier posts, I’m involved in a Web application development project. Recently I had to do some testing on the Web application (although it’s barely beta ready, but that’s a different story). During the testing process, I’ve got to see for myself the implications of not incorporating scalability designs early on into the code.

This post will take a simplistic approach to look at why load times can be improved by consolidating CSS files. At the same time, I will also take a look at naming CSS selectors as the approach to consolidating CSS. By taking a consistent approach to naming CSS selectors and organising the selectors in a structured manner in CSS files, we can minimise the number of CSS files.